Shazreeyana Shukri

"The best part of beauty is one which no picture can express" - Francis Bacon

My SupeRsTarS!

Saturday, October 01, 2011

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Makeup for Bridesmaid & Flower Girls

Yesterday was SUPER CRAZY!

 My partner a.k.a sister had to go to work and couldn't help me with the makeup jobs..

I had to do makeup for 4 people in 4 hours!! It was crazy but i had so much fun! I did hair and makeup for Amy and Amalina, and makeup only for Nana and Atul..

Thanks to Amy, Amalina, Atul and Nana.. and a special thanks to Syakila Mokhtar (Syak) for introducing Amy to Makeup Parlour.. We truly appreciate it..

I didn't even had the time to sip some water, let alone to take pictures. I brought my camera and asked the girls to take photos so here's what i have..

Amy was the bridesmaid and she had to leave early for the rehearsal so we didn't have the time to snap a pic of her after the full makeover.. : (


Creating loose curl messy up-do for Amy

Amy still in the beautifying process

Pinning up her loose curls


Turquoise theme

Atul with specs

Atul without specs
Doing Amalina's hair..the messy me


Nana and Amalina

Amalina is Amy's sister. She requested for loose curls and exaggerated winged eyeliner..

*Edited*  Here's some of after the party photos that i took from the girls' Facebook. With their permission of course.. Thanksssss girls! ~LOVE~

Thank you so much girls for the hospitality! I hope you had fun coz i did..
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