Shazreeyana Shukri

"The best part of beauty is one which no picture can express" - Francis Bacon

My SupeRsTarS!

Tuesday, February 07, 2012

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A quick update

Hello everyone!

Sorry for the lack of updates. I'm using my phone to update coz I've been fairly busy preparing for the baby's arrival. So far so good alhamdulillah..We also had numerous family visits and i had a great holidays with all of them.. My holidays went really well. How about yours?

Here's some pictures of the lil one's cloth diapers,clothes,mittens,socks,towel,blankets etc. I have washed all of them just to be sure that her stuff are all clean and safe to be used.

I am eagerly waiting for her arrival which will be in March. Can't wait to shower her with all the love in the world!

Till then,take care..
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