Shazreeyana Shukri

"The best part of beauty is one which no picture can express" - Francis Bacon

My SupeRsTarS!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Home » HoLLaaa! I'm Back!!!!

HoLLaaa! I'm Back!!!!

hello darlings...
i am very sorry for being on HIATUS for quite some time.. i was too busy with my 4th year final exams, and alhamdulilah i've made it through..and now, final year has started and i'm totally not aware of it (buat2 x sedar)..yes, it is TRUE! i don't really feel like waking up at 6.45 am in the morning ( utk bermalasan and snooze alarm sebanyak 3-4 kali 5x maximum before mandi n siap2), to be in the OT (Operation Theater bukan Over Time tak de masa nak over time hihihi) at 8am..petang2 pulak ada seminar yang dibebel oleh specialists, pastu sekelas pulak ngn HO,MO..terasa bongok sikit la kan..tapi depa pon bukan tau semua benda pon..ekekeke..

So sebab i dah lama x update blog ni, i pon macam hilang kawalan nak pikir entry apa nak buat lepas ni..apa haaa? any ideas darlings?? should i do a make-up look for Eid? or should i do a review on products i am loving at the moment? skin care?? make-up?


AAA said...

yang!!!! lama nya u menyepi!!!
apa2 pon xkesah.. smua pon ok wht.. hihiii..
miz u a lot yang!! Jom diet sama2 jom yang mcm dulu.. i da 60kg!! adoiiii...

Anonymous said...

kak yana, skin care pleaseeeeeee!hehe

ShazreeyanaShukri said...

AAA- yangg!! memenag lama i menyepi no..rindu la plak kat blog i.banyak sawang.tgh cuci2..
i ponnak diet ni i xsihat n blood test ckp i x cukup x leh nak diet..huhuh..lepas da sihat baru diet..u cute ja 60 kg pon..comelll!!! miz u too ayanggg!!!

nony- nak skin care ke?sbelum ni pakai apa?saja nak tau kot2 boleh compare kalo kak yana penah pakai ka..

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